[Enterprise Grade]: Deploy Angular [v17] Universal Using AWS Lambda, AWS ECR x Docker, API Gateway x CloudFront, CloudFormation, GitHub Actions (includes Frontend code too)
Contains Enterprise code needed to deploy Angular Universal x AWS within your application. Includes documentation via razroo.com/finder/razroo/angular-universal-with-aws-17.0.0(free to access. Documentation is also embedded in git log via code attached).
Built by Charlie Greenman, an Angular Software Architect with 10-plus years of experience. Experience accumulated working with multiple Fortune 500 companies. Has written multiple books on Angular. Devops build by Roman Zhukov, a DevOps consultant with 20-plus years of experience. Likewise, has worked with multiple Fortune 500 companies.
1. Documentation for the code can be found here: https://razroo.com/finder/razroo/angular-universal-with-aws-17.0.0
2. Documentation for each line of code can also be found via using Git. Razroo(the creator of this code/recipe book) embeds URLs of relevant documentation/code for code generation. Can run git blame
or git log -p
on an individual file to find.
What This Includes
- Dockerfiles needed to deploy to AWS and run Angular Universal locally
- Github workflow file + sh script so deployed to AWS via Github Actions whenever deployed to develop or main branch
- Cloudformation template.yaml needed to deploy to AWS
- AWS Serverless integrated server.ts file, so works with Dockerfile. Includes
- Binary mime types for use with fonts and images
- Compression of files, so files are minimized before passed over the server
- Angular service used, to allow window objects to work with Angular Universal
- Automated httpClient integration with fetch for faster performance
- Automated hydration integration so components are hydrated/optimized for performance
Once purchased can comment on Razroo code directly(via razroo.com and URLs embedded in git log), and/or reach out to charlie@razroo.com for support. Can also reach out to me over at charlie@razroo.com for a Razroo code, and I'll give you access to Razroo code for free so can comment on if want.
Have questions about this? Reach out to me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/razroo_chief
Deploy Angular Universal Using AWS (Enterprise Grade) Using AWS Lambda, AWS ECR x Docker, API Gateway x CloudFront, CloudFormation, GitHub Actions, AWS CLI (on a high level) [Includes Frontend Architecture Too]